2022. 3. 10. 21:48ㆍ[신농본초경]/상경(上經)








이명: [광나무] [제주광나무] [참여정실]
학명:Ligustrum lucidum Aiton
영문:Glossy Privet, Chinese Privet, Nepal Privet, Wax-leaf Privet,
잎은 대생하고 혁질이며 난형, 타원형 또는 난상 피침형이고 첨두 또는 점첨두이며 예저이고 길이 5-12cm, 폭 3-5cm로서 표면은 녹색이며 윤채가 있고 뒷면은 연한 녹색이며 뚜렷하지 않은 잔점이 있고 가장자리가 밋밋하며 엽병은 길이 1-2cm로서 자줏빛이 돈다.
열매는 장과상 핵과로 길이 8-10mm인 타원형이고 9-10월에 자흑색으로 성숙한다.
꽃은 양성으로 8월에 피고 길이 2-5mm의 짧은 화경이 있고 복총상화서는 가지 끝에 달리며 길이 12-20cm이다. 화관은 길이 3-4mm이고 백색이며 4개로 갈라지고 통부가 열편보다 약간 짧으며 수술대는 길고 꽃밥은 길이 1.2-1.5mm로서 긴 타원형이며 꽃받침은 종 모양으로 길이 1.5mm이고, 암술대는 길이 2.5-3mm이다.
높이 5-10m이고 가지가 퍼지며 수피는 회색이고 털이 없다.
제주도에 분포한다.
상록 활엽 소교목.
높이는 5-10m 정도로 자란다.
학명 Ligustrum lucidum Aiton
Hortus Kew., ed. 2, 1 : 19 (W.T.Aiton, 1810)
1. Chionanthus terminalis Roxb. ex Hemsl.
J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 26 : 92 (1889)
1) Bibliography of Cultivated Trees and Shrubs, Hardy in the Cooler Temperate Regions of the Northern Hemisphere (Rehder, 1949)
2. Esquirolia sinensis H.Lev.
Repert. Spec. Nov. Rengni. Veg. 10 : 441 (1912)
1) Bibliography of Cultivated Trees and Shrubs, Hardy in the Cooler Temperate Regions of the Northern Hemisphere (Rehder, 1949)
3. Ligustridium japonicum Spach
Hist. & Nat. Veg. phan. 8 : 271 (1839)
1) Bibliography of Cultivated Trees and Shrubs, Hardy in the Cooler Temperate Regions of the Northern Hemisphere (Rehder, 1949)
4. Ligustrum esquirolii H.Lev.
Repert. Spec. Nov. Rengni. Veg. 10 : 147 (1911)
1) Bibliography of Cultivated Trees and Shrubs, Hardy in the Cooler Temperate Regions of the Northern Hemisphere (Rehder, 1949)
5. Ligustrum hookeri Decne.
Fl. des serr. 22 : 10 (1877)
1) Bibliography of Cultivated Trees and Shrubs, Hardy in the Cooler Temperate Regions of the Northern Hemisphere (Rehder, 1949)
6. Ligustrum japonicum Drapiez
Herbier Amat. 8 : 569, t. (1835)
1) Bibliography of Cultivated Trees and Shrubs, Hardy in the Cooler Temperate Regions of the Northern Hemisphere (Rehder, 1949)
7. Ligustrum japonicum var. macrophyllum Hort ex C.K.Schneid.
Ill. Handb. Laubholzk. 2 : 797 (1911)
1) Bibliography of Cultivated Trees and Shrubs, Hardy in the Cooler Temperate Regions of the Northern Hemisphere (Rehder, 1949)
8. Ligustrum lucidum var. esquirolii H.Lev.
Cat. pl. Yun-Nan, 181 (1916)
1) Bibliography of Cultivated Trees and Shrubs, Hardy in the Cooler Temperate Regions of the Northern Hemisphere (Rehder, 1949)
9. Ligustrum magnoliaefolium Hort ex C.K.Schneid.
Ill. Handb. Laubholzk. 2 : 797 (1911)
1) Bibliography of Cultivated Trees and Shrubs, Hardy in the Cooler Temperate Regions of the Northern Hemisphere (Rehder, 1949)
10. Ligustrum nepalense var. glabrum Hook.
Curtis's Bot. Mag. 56 : t. 2921 (1829)
1) Bibliography of Cultivated Trees and Shrubs, Hardy in the Cooler Temperate Regions of the Northern Hemisphere (Rehder, 1949)
11. Ligustrum roxburghii Blume
Mus. Bot. 1 : 315 (Blume, 1850)
1) Bibliography of Cultivated Trees and Shrubs, Hardy in the Cooler Temperate Regions of the Northern Hemisphere (Rehder, 1949)
12. Ligustrum sinense var. latifolium T.Moore
Gard. Chron. n. s. 10 : 752, f. 125 (1878)
1) Bibliography of Cultivated Trees and Shrubs, Hardy in the Cooler Temperate Regions of the Northern Hemisphere (Rehder, 1949)
13. Ligustrum taquetii H.Lev.
Repert. Spec. Nov. Rengni. Veg. 10 : 378 (1912)
1) Fl. Reipubl. Popularis Sin. (1959-x)
14. Ligustrum wallichii Viv.
Atti Istit. Venet. Sci. ser. 3, 4 : 138 (1858)
1) Bibliography of Cultivated Trees and Shrubs, Hardy in the Cooler Temperate Regions of the Northern Hemisphere (Rehder, 1949)
15. Olea clavata G.Don
Gen. Hist. 4 : 48 (1837)
1) Bibliography of Cultivated Trees and Shrubs, Hardy in the Cooler Temperate Regions of the Northern Hemisphere (Rehder, 1949)
16. Phillyrea paniculata Roxb.
Fl. ind. 1 : 100 (1820)
1) Bibliography of Cultivated Trees and Shrubs, Hardy in the Cooler Temperate Regions of the Northern Hemisphere (Rehder, 1949)
17. Visiania paniculata (Roxb.) DC.
Prodr. (DC.) 8 : 289 (DC., 1844)
1) Bibliography of Cultivated Trees and Shrubs, Hardy in the Cooler Temperate Regions of the Northern Hemisphere (Rehder, 1949)
국명 당광나무
1) 조선식물향명집 (정태현, 도봉섭, 이덕봉, 이휘재, 1937)
1. 광나무
1) 조선삼림식물도설 (정태현, 1942)
2. 제주광나무
1) 한국수목도감 (이창복, 1966)
3. 참여정실
영문명 :Glossy Privet, Chinese Privet, Nepal Privet, Wax-leaf Privet,
일본명 :トウネズミモチ
북한명 :
Ligustrum lucidum W.T.Aiton
Hortus Kew. (W.T. Aiton), ed. 2. 1: 19. 1810
1: 19 1810
Type Information
cultivated in England
Ligustrum lucidum Ait. 女貞(녀정)
Ligustrum lucidum f. latifolium (Cheng) Hsu
Esquirolia sinensis H. Lév.
Ligustrum compactum var. latifolium W. C. Cheng
Ligustrum esquirolii H. Lév.
Ligustrum lucidum var. esquirolii (H. Lév.) H. Lév.
Ligustrum lucidum var. tricolor Rehder
Ligustrum lucidum var. xideense J.L.Liu
Ligustrum magnoliifolium Dippel
Ligustrum lucidum var. alivonii Rehder
Ligustrum lucidum var. aureomarginatum Rehder
Olea clavata G.Don
Phillyrea paniculata Roxb.
Phillyrea terminalis B.Heyne ex Wall.
Visiania paniculata (Roxb.) DC.
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